And Around It Goes — Elakala Falls

And Around it Goes… I had been planning a trip to West Virginia in the fall for several years and it just hadn't come about, but finally this year we were going to make it. I knew for sure one destination while we were on our trip. That was Blackwater Falls State Park. I had been there several years ago with my brotherand loved it. We saw several waterfalls and wonderful views and lots of deer. And that's all in less than 24 hours haha. I knew I wanted to spend several days in that area. That proved to be a little harder than expected as every state park in West Virginia was booked up on the weekends in the campgrounds. Made planning the trip a little more difficult, but we found a week where we could camp four nights in their campground. It was my favorite campground on the trip, oh so peaceful and really dark at night. My type of camping. Of course we had to visit the waterfalls, every falls we could find in the area.  This is Elakala Falls, well the first in a series. I think I've been told there were three but when talking to the campground attendants, they only knew of two. The first one is the one that the trail goes to and everybody visits, The next one the trail was impassable but people I think still found their way down to it. I didn't get to be that adventurous but I do love the first waterfall. It is known for the swirl at the bottom. And in looking at pictures of it it looks different all year long. This time it had a beautiful big swirl with a wonderful red leaf right in the middle. Perfect for for my fall shots. I had a great time photographing this falls – well until a group of about 15 descended and spent 20 minutes taking selfies. LOL  Glad I had already gotten my swirl shots…

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Canvas Print Only, Canvas Print only – no wrap border, Canvas Stretched with 1 1/4 Inch Bars – Mirrored Edges, Canvas Stretched with 3/4 Bars, Glossy Metal, Luster Photo Paper, Matte Fine Art Paper, Satin Metal